To the first boy that breaks my daughter‘s heart, RUN. Just kidding, I’m not coming after you...even though, I want to— with some very sharp hedge clippers. What I really came here to say was, thank you. I know in this exact moment, mothers all around the world are scrunching their faces as they read this and mumbling under their breath that I’ve lost my ever-loving mind but I haven’t. I’ve had my heart broken before. Probably everyone reading this has had their heart broken before. I’ve been lied to, cheated on(I can still remember, very vividly, the time my best friend punched a polar pop styrofoam cup because I got a random phone call from a girl who said “your boyfriend was with me last night.” Enunciating the would “me”, of course. Yeah, teenagers are cruel!) So, I’ve been there. I’ve felt low, ugly, and sad because of some boy. But I still want to thank them, I didn’t at the time, but I do now. Because of them, I learned how to pick myself up, I learned what ...