A little Halloween story!
Happy Halloween, readers! I wrote this piece titled, Willow's Hue in celebration of my second favorite holiday (Christmas and 4th of July are tied for first). Enjoy! Willow's Hue By S.J. Sylvis Copyright © by S.J. Sylvis The day started off normal. When I woke up that morning, I looked out the tiny window beside my bed and took in the view. There was a greyish hue to the sky, and it was especially fitting for how I was I feeling. I would describe it just as the color poured into my windows…grey. I was grey . I wasn’t happy or sad, I wasn’t white or black…I was that in-between feeling. That muddled grey feeling. My parents weren’t the best parents in the world, but I’m sure they weren’t the worst either. They didn’t beat me and they fed me…most of the time, but really their main focus in life was their hatred for each other. The night before, I was normal, well semi-normal. Never really clicking with anyone, and being called a freak...